Prioritizing Your Minimizing
The first thing I minimized in my life was digital. I started there because it seemed easy plus I was doubtful minimizing would make THAT much of a difference to someone who’s fairly OCD about organizing. As you’re doing this you must prioritize your minimizing.
I went through all the email I get regularly that I “junk” or “trash”, scrolled to the bottom and clicked unsubscribe. Sure it was a few minutes of my time to do something I didn’t want to do and it seemed like a waste. Until I was only getting things in my inbox that I wanted. Even that was cleaner, easier, no stress. I unsubscribed to a LinkedIn email (I use it for work, I check it, I don’t need an email). The next day I got another email. I went onto the site and checked my settings. There are 27 opt-in email alerts. TWENTY-SEVEN! I realized why it’s so easy to get bogged down by crap in our lives that builds up — In literally every area.
Minimizing isn’t about having a few too many forks. It becomes a way of life and a habit. Every time I get an email I don’t want, I scroll down and unsubscribe. It’s AMAZING how much less bogged down I am online. I didn’t realize I dreaded checking email until I liked it again.
On Facebook, I tried to go through groups and people and “unfriend” but didn’t get very far. What DID work for me was reading through my news feed. That’s where the negativity showed up and every time I see a person or a group post things I really don’t want to read, I unfollow them. I want the positive in my life — the people, places, and things that make me feel even better. Now I really enjoy reading my news feed and being a peripheral part of people’s lives.
Clean, organized, nothing you don’t use or need. This is what I’m working towards The next thing I went through were the vehicles. I like certain things in my car (Advil, tampons, bandaids, Benedryl, etc…) but I only need a few things. This was fast and easy and worth it. The house is still a work in progress and will probably take a couple of months. Not putting pressure on myself to complete this project with a time-frame made a huge difference. Letting the house become more chaotic while we go through things helped. Just relaxing and somewhat enjoying the process was a way to give me a break. Calling the MS agency that comes to the house with a truck for donations and setting a date made us accountable. Now we have rules to keep things:
- Does it bring joy?
- Would we buy it right now?
- Will we use it?
A great side note about this process is that I’ve been somewhat quietly going about my business. The kids are more passively involved. I let them know the stack of things on the table or couch is being donated because I don’t think we need it, however, if there is something they feel we should keep, we can discuss it. My kids are now starting to evaluate their own things. They’re beginning their own streamlining process. And so the trend continues on.
Originally published at
Jenn is Mom of 18, Transformational Coach for Christian women, host of At A Crossroads with The Naked Podcaster, Author, Runner, Minimalist, & Healthy Lifestyle Advocate
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